The installations have been developed in the course “Projektarbeit” (Workshop) in the Master’s Programme Exhibition Design. The aim of this lecture is to develop and realise installations in public space. Misconceptions are often the result of false communication. They occur when the communication between the sender and listener is affected. The sent signal can get lost or changed in a way that the received message is not conform with the original one anymore. The students approached those interferences in human communication in 11 interventions.
In a one-week workshop they developed and realised temporary interventions dealing with „misconceptions“. The spectrum of designs and actions ranged from imperceptible changes in common visual habits up to absurd moments when oral signals are taken too literally.
Key actors
Master class Exhibition Design, FH JOANNEUM, led by Anke Strittmatter and Erika Thümmel
Role of design
We approached the topic from two different angles. First, the examination of the content, in our case the topic of misunderstanding and its development in a variety of ways. Second, the development of the design of the temporary installations, including public design and communication design in public space. Good design in combination with a comprehensive and challenging content was the main objective.
CONTACT (of the editor)
Anke Strittmatter, Erika Thümmel – Organization: INSTITUTE of DESIGN & COMMUNICATION University of Applied Sciences, FH JOANNEUM Graz – Email: anke.strittmatter@fh-joanneum.at & erika.thuemmel@fh-joanneum.at