The tools in this Kit are meant to study and analyse the built and natural environments of the remote area, both in their forms and uses, throughout history until the present day. The Kit supports the identification of exceptional human-made and natural features, as well as their connections and diverse uses and functions. This might be used to identify a public place or a list of possible public places of interest for the project.
What questions does this Kit answer?
- Which outstanding built features are or used to be present?
- What are the remarkable natural features?
- How are the built environment and the natural landscape related to each other?
- Where do key activities, uses, and functions take place?
To answer these questions, the Kit requires the collection of historical plans and archaeological reconstructions; documents on historical and natural heritage published by institutions responsible for heritage; existing situation and development plans such as master plans, aerial photos, topographic plans, and photos; and information about events available on official websites. These materials might be collected by contacting local historians and archives for historical documents, local architects, and authorities, and through official websites. Once collected, these materials must be analysed to describe and gain a critical perspective on the physical environment.