The tools in this Kit help identify a public space as an intervention space and investigate its morphological, social, and functional relations with the wider place of interest. The tools zoom in on a place of interest within the remote region with a focus on environmental psychology, supporting the analysis of its built and natural environments, and how people interact with them. This analysis offers situated data to be used in the design phase: increased knowledge of these interactions improves decision-making for a potential project. Greater compatibility between people, activities and the space increases success chances.
What questions does this Kit answer?
- Which are the outstanding built and natural features that are or used to be present in and around the public intervention space?
- Where do key activities, uses and functions take place?
- How do people interact with the public space?
- Which are the human factors to consider when designing in the chosen public space?
To answer these questions, the kit needs primary and secondary data. Primary research requires on-site observations of what people see, do, and experience. Secondary research requires collecting and analysing historical plans, archaeological reconstructions, documents on historical and natural heritage, current and development plans, and information about events. These can be provided by local historians, archives, architects, and authorities and through official websites.