The tools in this Kit set the stage for project development by looking beyond short-term outputs towards longer-term outcomes. This allows you to anticipate, craft, and shape site-specific project ideas. To do so, you will define your goal, identifying project stories and storytelling the future of your small and remote place.
What questions does this Kit answer?
- What scenarios, assets, challenges, and objectives are of particular interest?
- Which intuitions emerge from these elements?
- How do you shape Design-Orienting Scenarios, paving the way for project development?
To answer these questions, the Kit enables the conception of project ideas by identifying long-term strategic objectives and connecting them to scenarios, assets, and challenges of interest. The Kit also requires imagining a flourishing future for small and remote places by building Design-Orienting Scenarios (Manzini & Jégou, 2004) that will inform short-term outputs and mid-term outcomes through storytelling. By providing a link between the future and the strategy (Evans & Sommerville, 2005), scenario-building techniques generate shared visions of complex futures among many actors. Through backtracking, Design-Orienting Scenarios provide a framework for designing products, spaces and services (Manzini & Jégou, 2004). This path reveals possible strategic actions in resonance with strategic objectives, driving the process towards a long-term impact.