Human Cities Festival 3rd Edition UPCYCLING PUBLIC SPACE
The Call for projects for the upcoming event of Human Cities is on!
The deadline is 30 October 2011
Human Cities Symposium 2012 RECLAIMING PUBLIC SPACE
Call for papers for upcoming event of Human Cities has been launched!
Deadline is 14 October 2011!
Support The Superhero Project on Kickstarter!
Creating Superheroes Day by Day!
At Human Cities Istanbul, Abner Preis of “Harlan Levey Projects performed his touching work, The Superhero Project.
Art in the Streets at MoCA LA
Art in the Streets is the first important museum show in the US surveying graffiti and street art.
Discover Human Cities at Ventura Lambrate from 11 until 17 April 2011
If you are planning to be at the Milan Design Week, you can swing by the PUBLIC CAMPING and visit us!
Public Design Festival in Milan april 12th to 17th.
Organized by Esterni that puts up important international designers. The event will take place in four main public areas that need to be re-designed around the citizens.
Nominated for INDEX: award 2011
Human Cities has been nominated for the INDEX: Design to Improve Life award. INDEX: is a Danish-based, non-profit organization that works globally to promote and apply both design and design processes that have the capacity to improve the lives of people worldwide. Five winners will be chosen and each receiving 100,000 Euro for their project.
Le Lieu du Design - Paris, île-de-France
Appel à projet: “L’espace public de demain avec le point de vues des designers.”
Objets sonores dans la ville - Nicolas Frize, compositeur
Rendez-vous ce jeudi 3 Mars, 2011, à 18h30 avec Nicolas Frize, compositeur, sur le thème “objets sonores dans la ville” dans l’amphithéâtre Rodin.
Roundtable Tallinn: Rethinking Public Spaces
In the frame of the approved plans for a new City hall, the City of Tallinn is inviting INTA to organise an international Roundtable on the changing role of public buildings and their contribution to civic interactions.
During 3 days, which includes a visit of the site and a public presentation, an international group of +- 10 urban development practitioners will interact with their Estonian counterparts on how the City Hall can be a driver of change in the civic landscape. The audience will be a mix of Estonian and international professionals with interest in this field. Registrations will be open soon.
Le banc Interférences d'Alexandre Moronnoz remporte un Label VIA
Les Labels VIA sont attribués à des produits ou à des collections fruits d’une collaboration entre un industriel français et un designer. Ils sont décernés chaque année, lors des salons professionnels, par un jury d’industriels, de designers, d’experts et de journalistes. Ils concernent les produits lancés sur le marché qui appliquent, de façon pertinente et originale, une démarche innovante en terme de matériaux, de technologie, de fonction ou de style.
En 2011, le mobilier urbain Interférences a reçu ce prestigieux Label VIA. Il est le fruit d’une collaboration entre le designer Alexandre Moronnoz et le fabriçant français TF-Tôlerie Forézienne et s’inscrit en continuité de l’appel Parckdesign lancé en 2007 pour Bruxelles Environnement. Vous pouvez visiter cette exposition à la Galerie VIA, à Paris, jusqu’au 20 février 2011.
‘Urban Crash’ competition
The call for entries for third edition of the Slovenian Trimo Urban Crash competition is open until 31 January 2010.
Festival Human Cities: Online video!
15 – 31 mars 2012
Human Cities Festival 2012: Reclaiming Public Space
29 septembre – 03 octobre 2010
Brussels Istanbul: Designing public space
06 – 16 mai 2010