Symposium Abstracts are online!
After the symposium who took place in Brussels at the Royal Belgian Library in March 2012, here are the abstracts on Human Cities: Civil Society Reclaims Public Space. Cross Perspectives based on research.
Human Cities - The Toolbox is online!
Visit our page with all the Toolbox Files which puts our approach into perspective
The big day is getting closer! One more sleep till the beginning of the Human Cities Festival.
Hereby some reminders to be ready to reclaim public space!
Possibilité de vous inscrire online!
Si nous n’avez pas encore rempli le formulaire d’inscription pour le Symposium Human Cities le 15 et 16 mars et/ou les workshops organisés l’après-midi du 16 mars, vous avez dès maintenant la possibilité de vous inscrire EN LIGNE!
Si vous souhaitez participer dans la nouvelle édition du Festival Human Cities...
Le Festival Human Cities aura lieu très bientôt! Le pré-programme est déjà téléchargeable depuis le lien suivant: Communiqué de Presse/Pre-programme FR. Dans ce document vous trouverez quelques informations concernant le symposium, les workshops, les activités et installations qui auront lieu du 15 au 31 mars. Le programme définitif sera disponible sur le site web au début du mois de mars.
Si vous souhaitez assister au Human Cities Symposium qui aura lieu les 15 et 16 mars 2012 ou/et participer aux workshops qui se dérouleront l’après-midi du 16 mars, veuillez renvoyer ce formulaire d’inscription rempli à l’adresse humancities@promateria.be. Attention, la participation est gratuite mais le nombre de places est limité, l’inscription est donc obligatoire!
Vous pouvez également télécharger les visuels de Human Cities Festival: Human Cities Poster, Human Cities postcard1, Human Cities postcard2, Human Cities postcard3.
Civil Society reclaims public space. Cross perspectives based on research
Brussels, the Royal Library of Belgium, 15 and 16 March 2012.Language: English
This international and interdisciplinary symposium will give a perspective of research being done in Europe and elsewhere. Focus will be on work that observes, describes, assesses, establishes theory and possibly dissem¬inates these initiatives stemming from civil society with the objective of “reclaiming” public space in contemporary cities. The fields of discipline are varied, ranging from urban planning to design, as well as architecture, sociology, anthropology, political science, philosophy and law. The conference is intended for a broad audience (scientists, academics, students, urban planners, local authorities) and will propose presentations and experimental workshops in public spaces. The proceedings of the symposium will be available on line as from May 2012.
Subscription form online soon!
As you all know, Human Cities will be back in March 2012! This third edition will begin with an International Symposium ‘Civil society reclaims public space. Cross perspectives based on research’ during two days. Do not wait until too late, save the date for 15-16 March in Brussels!
New year, happy news!
The third edition of the Human Cities Festival is glad to announce its dates!
Location: Brussels
Dates: 15-31 March 2012
Öne çıkanlar
Festival Human Cities: Online video!
15 – 31 Mart 2012
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