Best practices France

Most of the following projects have been carried out in a synergic system of different locations. For the space analysis within the EU best practices research we focused on one of these spots. You can find the specific information in their dedicated PDF at the end of each project description.

To explore all the project's aspects and locations, download the complete publication in PDF here.


Name of the project: Agora Bench

Name of the project in local language: Le banc à palabres

Time period: Since 2014

Keywords: Culture

The Agora Bench was part of the creation of the new Nelson Mandela Park in the town. This project simply consists of the installation of a monumental circular nine-meter bench in the middle of the park, where several footpaths and cycling ways cross. The aim of this project was to create an inter-generational meeting point in the town, where people can gather in a pleasant environment.

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Name of the project: Local people tell the story of the town of Dunières

Name of the project in local language: Des habitants racontent le bourg de Dunières

Time period: From 2013 to 2021

Keywords: Architecture, Urban Planning, Map, Subjectivity, Memory

This project is a part of the urban study on revitalising Dunières town centre. There, a participatory sensitive-type approach was proposed. The activity attempted to reveal the vernacular history and heritage of Dunières. The aim was to uncover information, curiosity, the cultural and human potential of this territory which is not encompassed in more objective studies.

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Sainte-Croix en Jarez

Name of the project: Cieux Rock Trail

Name of the project in local language: Chemin des Roches à Cieux

Time period: From 2021 to 2022

Keywords: Culture, Tourism

The project consists in the creation of a trail in Sainte-Croix-en-Jarez and around its direct vicinity. This trail goes through the Old Chartreuse, the few streets of the village and natural spaces. The aim of the project is to encourage visitors to explore the surroundings a little further to get to know other aspects of the village. The goal is the development of slow and green tourism in the area.

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Communauté des Communes of Monts du Pilat

Name of the project: Design consultancy for the renovation of commercial facades in Saint-Genest- Malifaux and Bourg-Argental

Name of the project in local language: Mission de conseils en design pour la rénovation des façades commerciales à Saint-Genest- Malifaux et Bourg-Argental

Time period: Since 2020

Keywords: Culture, Design

The project, located in the centre streets of Bourg-Argental and Saint-Genest-Malifaux, is a work of re-reading of the local urban landscape. The aim was to raise awareness among shopkeepers of the need to renovate their signs and shop-fronts, using the skills of graphic designers, in order to strengthen the commercial attractiveness of town centres and trigger a virtuous dynamic.

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Genilac town centre

Name of the project: Frontage, revealing greenery

Name of the project in local language: Frontage, révéler le végétal

Time period: Since 2018

Keywords: Culture, Design

The creative work is a landscaping project in the historic centre of Genilac, which aims to reorganise the area with a pedestrian strip and a frontage strip. The purpose of the project was to give the residents an incentive to re-appropriate the space outside their houses, highlight the front doors and regreen the street. The intention was to create a filter between homes and the public spaces.

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