Brussels Istanbul
City Installations
28 septembre – 03 octobre 2010
The Nomadic Book Crossing, by Frederica Zama
Come with a book to swap and you will be active part of the installation! I create a new scenario of the city through a collection of a series of stories located in circles of different sizes. My guest-travellers move from bubble to bubble, cross each other, interact with the inhabitants, read their books and then choose the most suitable bubble to relax and enjoy a story. The series of bubbles is a metaphor for the journey of the modern man eager to know more and more. The modern man departs in search of new experiences, but during his travels sees his destination continuously shift, as described by Baudelaire in the poem Le Voyage, because his desire for knowledge grows. Each bubble has its own feature and collects books from the places the nomadic book crossing has visited.
Eski Galata Koprusu.
Come with a book to swap and you will be active part of the installation
28 septembre – 03 octobre 2010
Intersection bench, Can Ali Dündar
This product is a creation by the project “Back to the roots” that performed at Yahşibey Workshops 22th. In the range of its context, the concept proposes the unique soul and form lied in the eagean nature and people whereby the wood has been used as the main material brutally. More over, the modernist approach followed by the design process characterizes the result as a multifunctional product for diverse international demands. It is also a tool for peoples’ interaction within the public space accordingly. Therefore, the main design problematique was to stimulate socializing as one of the most important human needs rather than promoting individualizm wich causes social fragmentations as a result of spatal fragmentations by traditonal urban tools. The concepts such as flexibility, uniqueness and multiuse have been the main issues behind the construction of the main idea whereas the rational combinations of intersection has been used as the basic form.
The Old Galata Bridge
Festival Human Cities: Online video!
15 – 31 mars 2012
Human Cities Festival 2012: Reclaiming Public Space
29 septembre – 03 octobre 2010
Brussels Istanbul: Designing public space
06 – 16 mai 2010