Best practices Estonia

Most of the following projects have been carried out in a synergic system of different locations. For the space analysis within the EU best practices research we focused on one of these spots. You can find the specific information in their dedicated PDF at the end of each project description.

To explore all the project's aspects and locations, download the complete publication in PDF here.


Name of the project: Meditation Center Estonian Theravada Sangha

Name of the project in local language: Meelearenduskeskus Eesti Theravaada Sangha

Time period: Since 2014

Keywords: Culture, Education, Health, Sustainability

The project takes place North-East from Tallinn on the Island of Aegna in a building built before the Second World war and used by Estonian officers. During the Soviet regime, the building hosted recreation center. The intended goal or desire that the project sought to achieve was, and still is, to teach Buddhism and meditation. Thus, the main activities/functions of this space are meditation, relaxation, research and teaching.

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Name of the project: Ave Vita!

Name of the project in local language: Ave Vita!

Time period: Since 1997

Keywords: Culture, Education, Sustainability, Health

The project is located in a wooden house divided into public rooms and private rooms for living. The public events are held mostly in the biggest room of the house and in the courtyard. The aim of this centre at first was to give the possibility for youth to access cultural entertainment. But now the centre is meant for adult poetry and theatre and cultural self-improvement.

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Name of the project: Käru Heade Tegude Muuseum

Name of the project in local language: Käru Museum of Good Deeds

Time period: Since 2018

Keywords: Culture, Education, Tourism

The project takes place in two houses from the pre-war era near Käru railway station, which have previously been empty for years. It consists of a museum of local history which focuses on barrows and trolleys (Käru can be translated as a barrow or cart in English). The idea was to bring more active cultural life to the countryside, to involve the locals and to show the liveability in the countryside in the 21st century.

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Name of the project: Lindi Village Society

Name of the project in local language: Lindi Külaselts

Time period: Since 2003

Keywords: Culture, Education, Sustainability, Tourism

Lindi Village Society is a project that takes place in the Lindi community centre. The village society operates in the Lindi community centre. Lindi community centre can be considered as a complex of services. In terms of houses, there are two of them – a new school building (Lindi Kindergarten-Primary School) and, from 2020, an old school building will be used for trainings and circular activities. Activities are taking place in the new house in the afternoon because it is primarily a school building during the day. The old house was given in the use of the local community for an initial period of ten years by the City of Pärnu for – just to promote local life. Now there is a permanent Old School café, a guest house and other services are coming in a row. The aim of this project is to make the voices of the community louder and to bring attention to the concerns of the people.

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Name of the project: There is time!

Name of the project in local language: Aigu on!

Time period: Since 2018

Keywords: Culture, Education, Sustainability, Tourism

“There is time” consists of the rehabilitation of an old barn to a creative space for concerts and workshops. The aim of this project is to awaken the local culture and social life by creating activities and excitement to a remote place. It is also to organize events that bring together locals and invite people from outside.

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